By reviewing any of The Sharp Plays trading content posted; you acknowledge, understand, and agree to the “Trading Content Disclaimer” at the bottom of this page.

“Beware the quiet man. For while others speak, he watches.
And while others act, he plans.
And when they finally rest… he strikes.” -Anonymous
TSP Trading content can be found at the following links…
Telegram Trading Channel @
Financial Market Analytics (“FMA”) Dashboard (FREE) @ TSP.Live/fma-v2/
FMA Trade Reports @
Years ago I watched a documentary about Ed Thorp. The documentary discussed how Thorp used mathematics (he’s the father of modern card counting) to beat the game of Blackjack. The documentary was riveting. The most shocking part came at the end…Ed Thorp made a little money card counting, but he broke the bank taking his math skills to the hedge fund industry and analyzing options! I was damn good at using math too, so I thought if Ed could find a way to unlock the code of the markets, I could too…or at least I would give it a shot!
I had created successful algorithms and analytics for sports, why couldn’t I do it for the financial markets? To make a very long story short, over the next several years it was my pet project to put together a quality trading algorithm. I read books, talked to people I knew in finance, and eventually my model began to take shape. As with any model…it initially failed. However, you can learn a lot in failure, and I did. I kept plugging along until I met a very successful trader in one of those chance meetings. We chatted about algorithmic trading and I explained the model I was creating. He said he would take a look. Well, one meeting turned into several and my model took off thanks to his insights.
My financial trading model scans every position in a market and rates them on a Bullish to Bearish scale. The scale is simple Bearish 5-4-3-2-1-0-1-2-3-4-5 Bullish. A Bullish 3,4,5 is a position I consider trade worthy to go long. A Bearish 3,4,5 is a position I consider trade worthy to go short. Using different analytics like pivot calculation analysis and “Path Predictor” (you will see these in my charts posted to Telegram) I began to build a trading strategy. The results speak for themselves and these tools directed my trading activities for 15+ years of success.
When the world stopped due to COVID in March 2020, I decided to fast track the trading content at The Sharp Plays to fill the gaps left by sports vanishing. Since then, the trading content has been a tremendous success! Trading provides the action we all desire as gamblers, but trading is a nice twist from sports wagering. Instead of the instant gratification of sports betting, trading the financial market often plays out over multiple days, weeks or even months. It can be a nice change of pace compared to daily sports “investing”.
How is the TSP Trading Content Delivered?
The primary platform for publicly posted trading content is FREE on the TSP Trading Channel on Telegram. On the Telegram channel I post charts, regular commentary on the markets (stocks, options, crypto and more) and provide access to the Path Predictor Momentum table which is updated every trading day. If you are interested in following The Sharp Plays trading content, subscribing to the Telegram Trading Channel is the first stop and it’s a great way to get a feel for my style and the content.
Once you signup for Telegram, you will see references to the FMA Dashboard within the alerts posted. The Dashboard is a free page at TSP.Live that; archives all the trading alerts posted, is the page where the Path Predictor Momentum table can be viewed, and where you will find additional information and content related to trading. It’s definitely worth a regular visit to the FMA Dashboard (
Last, but surely not least when it comes to TSP Trading Content, are the FMA Trade Reports. FMA Trade Reports are sold on a per report basis at The FMA Trade Reports are available for purchase when the The Sharp Plays enters a trade. FMA Trade Reports include all the information on the trade…Path Predictor charts, stop loss, profit targets, fundamental reasons why the trade is seen as a value, and more. It is important to note that you MUST consult a licensed financial advisor before entering any trade! FMA Trade Reports are a new evolution of FMA content and their performance will be tracked on the Records & Logs page at
All this might sound like there is a vast amount of information available…and there is, but don’t be overwhelmed. If trading the financial markets is interesting to you, just signup for the Telegram Trading Channel and follow allow for a couple weeks or a couple months to see how the trading content is covered and delivered. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask! Thanks for checking it out!
How has the TSP Trading Content Performed?
A breakdown of the trading content performance is available on The Sharp Plays Trading Performance page.
I hope you enjoy the content and that the information pays you some nice dividends! Good luck in your trades!
The Sharp Plays, @TheSharpPlays on Twitter and this Web Site (collectively referred to hereafter as “TSP”), is published as an information service and it includes opinions as to buying, selling and holding various stocks, investments, and other securities. However, the publishers of TSP are not brokers or investment advisers, and they do not provide investment advice or recommendations directed to any particular subscriber or in the view of the particular circumstances of any particular person. The information provided by TSP is obtained from sources believed to be reliable but is not guaranteed as to accuracy or completeness. Visitors to TSP or any other persons who buy, sell or hold securities should do so with caution and consult with a broker or investment adviser before doing so.
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Trading securities and options involves risk. Prior to buying or selling an option, an investor must receive a copy of Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options. Futures traders must review a copy of the Risk Disclosure Statement for Futures Contracts. Investors need a broker to trade securities & options and must meet suitability requirements. Past results are not necessarily indicative of future performance. Performance figures are based on actual recommendations made by TSP. Due to the time critical nature of stock, options, future, or other trading, brokerage fees, and the activity of other subscribers, TSP cannot guarantee that subscribers will mirror the performance stated on our track records or promotions. Performance numbers shown are based on trades subscribers could enter based on our guidelines.
The results posted for TSP are hypothetical. Results are based on the price when the position was published by TSP, and the price when dropped by TSP. TSP cannot guarantee that any person bought or sold the actual security for the prices listed on the Web Site. Investors may receive greater or lesser returns based on their trading experience and market price fluctuations. The prices listed are for reference only and are in no way intended to represent an actual trade, entry price or exit price.
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